当ブログ「未来の人事を見てみよう」は、2015年4月6日から新しいURL「http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/creiajp/」 に移動しました。引き続きご愛読ください。
We have become a society of specialists. Business thinkers point to "domain expertise" as an enduring source of advantage in today's competitive environment. The logic is straightforward: learn more about your function, acquire "expert" status, and you'll go further in your career.
Corporations around the world have come to value expertise, and in so doing, have created a collection of individuals studying bark. ... Few have developed the understanding that the bark is merely the outermost layer of a tree. Fewer still understand the tree is embedded in a forest.
To begin, our highly interconnected and global economy means that seemingly unrelated developments can affect each other.
Secondly, specialists toil within a singular tradition and apply formulaic solutions to situations that are rarely well-defined.
Finally, there appears to be reasonable and robust data suggesting that generalists are better at navigating uncertainty.
experts are less accurate predictors than non-experts in their area of expertise. Tetlock's conclusion: when seeking accuracy of predictions, it is better to turn to those like "Berlin's prototypical fox, those who know many little things, draw from an eclectic array of traditions, and accept ambiguity and contradictions."
A collection of specialists creates a less flexible labor force, one that requires "retraining" with technological developments creating constantly shifting human resource needs. In this regard, the recent emphasis in American education on "job-specific" skills is disturbing.
Within a company, employees skilled in numerous functions are more valuable as management can dynamically adjust their roles. Many forward-looking companies are specifically mandating multi-functional experience as a requirement for career progress.
individuals should manage their careers around obtaining a diversity of geographic and functional experiences. Professionals armed with the analytical capabilities (e.g. basic statistical skills, critical reasoning, etc.) developed via these experiences will fare particularly well when competing against others more focused on domain-specific skill development.
機能だけでなく、地理的にも様々な経験を重ねるべきだ、と説いています。もっともこういった多様性の前提として、分析的な能力(analytical capabilities)は大前提として持つべき、との忠告付き。
The time has come to acknowledge expertise as overvalued. There is no question that expertise and hedgehog logic are appropriate in certain domains (i.e. hard sciences), but they certainly appear less fitting for domains plagued with uncertainty, ambiguity, and poorly-defined dynamics (i.e. social sciences, business, etc.).