




当ブログ「未来の人事を見てみよう」は、2015年4月6日から新しいURL「​http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/creiajp/」 に移動しました。引き続きご愛読ください。

クレイア・コンサルティングの調です。こんにちは。本日のエントリはイギリスの人事専門雑誌、HR Magazineより。
12/28のエントリで概要を、1/5のエントリでやや詳細版をお届けしましたが、もう少しボリュームの増えた解説記事が、研究を行ったD. Ulrichらによって書かれています。

Exclusive: The six competencies to inspire HR professionals for 2012
(限定記事) 2012年に人事プロフェッショナルにインスピレーションを与える6つのコンピテンシー



  • outside/in: HR must turn outside business trends and stakeholder expectations into internal actions
  • business/people: HR should focus on both business results and human capital improvement
  • individual/organisational: HR should target both individual ability and organisation capabilities
  • event/sustainability: HR is not about an isolated activity (a training, communication, staffing, or compensation programme) but sustainable and integrated solutions
  • past/future: respect HR's heritage, but shape a future
  • administrative/strategic: HR must attend to both day-to-day administrative processes and long-term strategic practices.



Strategic positioner. High-performing HR professionals think and act from the outside/in....
They understand the general business conditions (eg social, technological, economic, political, environmental and demographic trends) that affect their industry and geography....


Credible activist....Credibility comes when HR professionals do what they promise, build personal relationships of trust and can be relied on....
Some have called this 'HR with an attitude'. HR professionals who are credible but not activists are admired, but do not have much impact. Those who are activists but not credible may have good ideas, but not much attention will be given to them....


Capability builder....Organisation is not structure or process: it is a distinct set of capabilities....
Capabilities have been referred to as a company's culture, process, or identity....
Capabilities include: customer service, speed, quality, efficiency, innovation and collaboration.


Change champion....As change champions, HR professionals help change happen at institutional (changing patterns), initiative (making things happen) and individual (enabling personal change) levels. To make change happen at these three levels, HR professionals play two critical roles in the change process. First, they initiate change, which means they build a case for why change matters, overcome resistance to change, engage key stakeholders in the process of change and articulate the decisions to start change. Second, they sustain change by institutionalising change through organisational resources, organisation structure, communication and continual learning.


Human resource innovator and integrator. Effective HR professionals know the historical research on HR, so they can innovative and integrate HR practices into unified solutions to solve future business problems. They must know the latest insights on key HR practice areas related to human capital (talent sourcing, talent development), to performance accountability (appraisal, rewards), organisation design (teamwork, organisation development) and communication.

futureの部分について少しでもお役立ちできれば、というのが本ブログの主旨ではありますが、当然ながら人事にまつわる過去の理論的研究も同様に重要です。past "and" future。他社の事例は先進的なものも伝統的なものもそれぞれ役には立ちますが、それを活用しつつも自社に本当に適した、かつ、eventではなくsustainabilityのある仕組みにしていくことが重要ですね。とはいえ、agile(鋭敏)な時代でもあり、思考錯誤しながら進めていくという、agile開発やプロトタイプ的な進め方も求められており、人事というセンシティブな分野を扱う上では難しい時代に入ったと感じます。

Technology proponent....Technology plays an increasingly important role in improving communications, organising administrative work more efficiently and connecting inside employees to outside customers. An emerging technology trend is using technology as a relationship-building tool through social media....
Those who understand technology will create improved organisational identity outside the company and improve social relationships inside the company.

日本においてアメリカと同じレベルまで人事関連のテクノロジー活用が延びてくるとはあまり思えないところもあるのですが、特に採用面でのソーシャルメディアの活用をはじめとして、人事におけるITリテラシの重要性は徐々に高まってきていると思います。Salesforce社が、Facebook社も社内で活用しているRyppleを買収したのがこの年末の大きなトピックでしたが、いかにITを工夫して活用することで現場を支援できるか、future lab(未来を実験する場)として人事が率先してITを活用しながら考えていくことが必要だと思います。



